Continuing the Letters Live Tradition, Benedict Cumberbatch Repulses His Wife with Barely There Display of Affection

“Get your ugly lizard lips off me, arsehole. Oh and give me $10,000 for a new ugly floral dress and handbag ASAP.” (Hunter, internally screaming, exits stage left) Fades to black. We would be remiss to not remind you of Hunter’s cringing at her husband kissing her on the side of the head last year. That time … More Continuing the Letters Live Tradition, Benedict Cumberbatch Repulses His Wife with Barely There Display of Affection

Hunter Hype Report Exclusive: CONFIRMED! Sophie Hunter Is The Registrant of Her Own Fansite, Despite Trying to Hide It By Using Fake Names For The Publicly Listed Owners.

The Careerless, Never-Had-A-Real-Job Sophie Hunter Launched Her Own “Fansite” on 4 June 2015, Three Days After The Birth of Her Son; The Website Regularly Uses Her Son to Promote Her Profile As A “Socialite”. An update to our last post about Hunter owning her own bogus fan site that pimps her fluffed up work history. … More Hunter Hype Report Exclusive: CONFIRMED! Sophie Hunter Is The Registrant of Her Own Fansite, Despite Trying to Hide It By Using Fake Names For The Publicly Listed Owners.

Hunter Hype Report Exclusive: Evidence Sophie Hunter runs her own fan site.

People following the foul smelling oddities surrounding Benedict Cumberbatch’s wife and their marriage know on 4 June 2015 a .net website was launched claiming to be a fansite for Hunter’s alleged career (hint: she’s never had much of one). This website goes so far as to crop Cumberbatch out of photos of the couple and … More Hunter Hype Report Exclusive: Evidence Sophie Hunter runs her own fan site.

The Case of Cumberbatch the Syrian refugee advocate and his whore-wife who wears a £2600 dress for a ‘charity event’ she clearly doesn’t give a shit about (beyond the free clothes).

Anyone who knows the basics of celebrity public relations knows the importance of consistency in message. Cumberbatch is known for his charity work and recently received a CBE in part for one. It seems like Hunter was trying to piggyback off her husband’s reputation this week by suddenly pretending to care about a charity for … More The Case of Cumberbatch the Syrian refugee advocate and his whore-wife who wears a £2600 dress for a ‘charity event’ she clearly doesn’t give a shit about (beyond the free clothes).

Exclusive Interview: The London Opera World Laughs At Sophie Hunter’s “I’m a director” Claim

Since our source at the Barbican is a name in London opera, The Report asked her what the word on the ground is regarding Hunter’s dubious claims about being an opera director. The Report has previously written about Hunter claiming to be a director of opera despite having almost no experience in the field. The … More Exclusive Interview: The London Opera World Laughs At Sophie Hunter’s “I’m a director” Claim

Sophie Hunter plagiarism allegations: Dr. Angela Moorjani’s email to the editor of The Guardian and a statement by the New England academic who discovered the appropriation of Dr. Moorjani’s work.

These two posts originally appeared on the blog New England Anon. I can confirm their authenticity as the original email by Dr. Moorjani was sent to the author of this blog and I have the personal information of the academic who goes by the name New England Anon. Transcript of Dr. Moorjani email From: Angela Moorjani … More Sophie Hunter plagiarism allegations: Dr. Angela Moorjani’s email to the editor of The Guardian and a statement by the New England academic who discovered the appropriation of Dr. Moorjani’s work.